Crawling out of the Underworld
I think it is appropriate that as I sat down to write this newest journal entry I found that the “journal” page on my website had disappeared. Just as the light weans toward the center of darkness on approach to the winter solstice, are stripped of attachments We have been, and are being whittled down to the essentials—whether materially, psychologically or spiritually. This is the pull of nature, which exerts its influence on us without our necessarily recognizing it.
The Sun passed through the deepest part of the mythological underworld yesterday, on the winter solstice—that day of least light. But the Moon offered an interesting twist, being nearly full. Generally the solstice drives us toward introspection, consolidation of energy in preparation for the coming demands of one’s deepest resources (which are required, naturally, to haul oneself out of the underworld). But in the darkness the Moon provided its own reflective light. The Moon, representing the mind and emotional life in its state of fullness allows the mind to see into the darkness. It is like a secret flame in the mysterious territory of the underworld, or unconscious. This could have allowed some interesting glimpses into unconscious operating patterns or sticky places in the psychology, as well as intuitive insights into how one must proceed on their way out of darkness.
The underworld is the unconscious is the fertility of both the earth and the human psyche, from which all life derives. it is not a place to be avoided. its darkness, weight and aversive filth are necessary ingredients for growth of any kind. And that apex of the underworld, which the Sun pushed through yesterday, is generally the point in the story where the objective that was sought after (which the hero had to go to great lengths to find) was finally recovered. But still, the gift has to survive the remaining threats of a world which lives by rules which may differ from the ‘light’ world.
So whatever you have your hands, or you mind, or your heart grasped around right now which you are hoping to grow from seed, take care in the coming months to continue to protect it. In the stories, generally little bits of this sacred treasure must be sacrificed to the hungry mouths of the underworld, which is the case with any creative project. An idea in imagination must relinquish some of its magic to take form in the material world. But its essence can remain intact if we are careful to stay true to the place it came from.
In this world we live in, especially, which seems to look more and more like a living underworld, we must take care to stay in close contact with our true nature and whatever it wants to create. The Sun’s position in the sign of Sagittarius suggests that the treasure of this underworld journey is found in the indications of this 9th sign of the zodiac. This is dharma (or path), principles that one will fight for, teachers and guides and clarity of purpose. Sagittarius is especially equipped to fight the ‘good’ battle, with its symbol being half human, half horse. The body of a horse begets immense strength and endurance, and the human upper body holds the consciousness which allows it to choose a direction.
So. From here, holding some precious thing in our hands or hearts, we decide how to move forward and into the daylight world where our gift can grow. And we resolve to not let the remaining threats of the underworld (which could be doubts that surface, or unresolved issues of the unconscious which can cause us to self sabotage, the naysayers of the world who are threatened by anyone who goes against the grain) steer us from our path, which—being related to Sagittarius—is for the benefit not just of oneself, but of the world at large.