Un-quenching the Fire
Whilst we all go about our day today, managing the many details of our lives, the planet Mars is making the heroic leap across one of three particularly tenuous gaps of the zodiac, called Gandanta points—those which connect fire and water signs.
Imagine jumping from one rocky cliff to another with a deep dark cleft between, and a thick mist obscuring the view so that you can’t get a good look at where it is you’ll be landing on the other side, should you survive that moment of flight. What happens to the mind when the body is momentarily suspended between the certainties of solid ground is what a planet (and thus a part of ourselves) experiences when crossing a Gandanta point in the sky. Ideally this is experienced a moment of grace, when we feel ourselves held by a larger presence. If we are thrown extremely off balance it can be a time of great anxiety and confusion. We have had Jupiter’s aspect supporting Mars during this time of instability, so it is likely that we’ve been able to experience this transit with a bit more grace than we might otherwise.
Luckily, Mars is taking his leap out of what has been a relatively uncomfortable situation since June 23rd, when he moved into debilitation in the sign of Cancer. Mars doesn’t like this sign and so is considered debilitated there because he is a ferocious warrior and a fire planet. The water and overall softness of the sign of Cancer (associated with nurturance, comfort and care) tends to put out his fire and agitate him into a state of either physical clumsiness (not knowing what to do with his very potent and powerful body as he tries to restrain it) or passive aggressive behavior (the result of not being able to fully express anger). This transit has not been beneficial for Agni, or the digestive fire, either, since Agni is ruled by Mars. His debilitation tends to put out the digestive fire.
Moving into the sign of Leo, Mars is back in his element. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun, and Mars and the Sun get along pretty well. The Sun is considered to be the king of the planets, and Mars the general of the military, so these two have a pretty good working relationship (what they are out to accomplish is another story, and dependent on many other factors in the chart and in the sky).
That being said, wherever Leo is in your natal chart will be experiencing a strong dose of fiery (think aggressive, assertive, impulsive energy) in that area of life. If it falls in your 7th house of partnership then relationships may become heated. If it is your 10th house of career you may experience some gains in that area, since Mars achieves directional strength (digbala) in the 10th house where his energy can be channeled into the work world effectively.
While Mars is in the middle of this transit there is more potential for accidents and injuries, so take care today and the next few days to not take unnecessary risks, and to do the best you can to stay in your body, being aware of your surroundings and your movements. I can report from personal experience that the last two times Mars has crossed Gandanta points in the sky I have experienced an injury (one which required stitches), so the threat is real.
There could be a new upsurge of energy coming into your life as fire is taken out of the water that was diluting its strength. Fire, or Agni, is vital to energy levels and ability to focus and stick to tasks. So enjoy this subtle shift and use it wisely! You might experience less dispersal of energy. You might also consider working specifically on your digestive fire during this time since you’ll have cosmic support as Agni (Mars) just moved into the sign of Leo which, being the 5th house of the zodiac relates to digestion (each sign of the zodiac relates to a part of the body and its functions).