Ayurveda on Epidemics
As the world continues to unravel around us, I think it can be helpful to refer to traditions with deep roots for guidance and understanding. Vedic Astrology is one of those, as is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the system of health associated with both Yoga and Vedic Astrology which has an enormous amount of perspective to offer when it comes to both epidemics and natural catastrophe. In the view of traditional Ayurveda, these two are related.
Probably the most referenced classical text of Ayurveda is the Charaka Samhita—a treatise on health covering everything from proper position and attitude required for a woman to receive the male ‘seed’ in order for pregnancy to occur (!) to extensive and detailed preparations of herbal formulas to address nearly any ill.
This text is ancient: dated to pre 2nd century CE (the tradition was alive in oral form long before that) and basically forms the root of the modern practice of Ayurveda. Charaka addresses epidemics and their causes and gives specific recommendations for maintaining health in such a situation.
Essentially, he says that the root cause of an epidemic is adharma, or acting against the laws of nature AND one’s own better judgement! He details the various characteristics of unhealthy air, water, land and seasons resulting from these repeated transgressions.
“Sins of the present life or the misdeeds of the past life are at the roots of the vitiation of all these factors viz., air etc. Intellectual blasphemy constitutes the origin of both types of sins. ...when the rulers of states, towns, cities and countries transgress the righteous path and rule their subjects by sinful means then their sub-ordinates and subjects inhabiting villages and cities, and merchants add to this sinful situation…Because of the disappearance of righteous acts, even the gods desert the people living in these places. Such are the places where seasons get impaired. Consequently either there is no rainfall in time or there is no rainfall at all or there is abnormality in the rainfall; air does not blow properly; there is abnormality in the earth, water (reservoirs) get dried up, drugs lose their normal attributes and get impaired. Then there is impairment of the country because of the impairment of the food and drinks.” Cha. Vi. 30/19-20
(Keep in mind that most of the classical Vedic texts were translated by the puritanical British who colonized India. So if the texts sound a little Christian, it is at least partially an issue of translation. )
There is a certain tipping point described where the accumulated ‘sins’ of a people or country become so enormous that the entire population is at risk. While I think a heavy dose of nuance needs to be added to the word ‘sin’ to de-Christianize its meaning, I think it is fairly obvious that the number, depth and persistence of collective transgressions against nature and conscience has everyone on earth in a pretty dire situation. And while the morally corrupt leadership is something that must be tackled over time, the “intellectual blasphemy” which is—according to this system of thought—at the root of the both epidemics and seasonal changes, is something that each of us can begin working with now.
This can be thought of as acting against your own consciousness, or what you know on some deep level. Actually these actions can become so persistent and normalized (both within your own life and socially/culturally) that we don’t even recognize that we might be acting against our deeper knowing. You can imagine how an entire lifetime and even generations of this type of behavior will result in a substantial disconnect from nature’s rhythms, intelligence and needs. So making the connection between collective adharma and epidemics/changes in nature’s cycles in not so difficult: we violate our own natures, disconnecting us from the Nature around us and arrive at the point where we don’t recognize a serious disturbance until it slaps us in the face (which it has to, to get us to listen).
So each one of us must figure out how to crawl out of the cycle of transgressions against nature. Probably the best way to do this is to begin offering. Ritual and offerings made to the various deities associated with Nature has been going on probably for as long as humans inhabited this planet. Some cultures still maintain these practices that are thought to feed Nature, making it so that She can also feed us. (more on this below)
Interestingly, among the changes in elements of nature (air, water, land and season)—changes in season i.e. climate change are considered to be the most serious, since the seasons are the container for the other elements.
Another classical author, Sushruta, also has something to say about this:
“As long as the seasons do not deviate from the natural course, the vegetables and water also remain normal; their use enhances prana, longevity, strength, vigor and vitality.
Their season’s catastrophes are caused by unforeseen factors. As cold, heat, wind and rain happens o be unnatural, they produce unwholesome effects on the herbs and water.
By the use of the same (abnormal food and water) onset of many diseases and outbreak of epidemics take place…
In such a contingency, change of place, pacifying action, atonement, auspicious rites, repeated recitation of sacred incantations, lighting of sacrificial fire, offerings, sacrifices, salutation with folded hands, penance, preceptors, and devotion to Gods, Brahmanas and the teacher should be followed; thus the well being is restored.” Su. Su. 6/15-20
Once again, I think it’s time to pray—but more for what is alive in Nature than for ourselves. Most of us in the Western world were probably not brought up with ritual or offering, so we usually have to invent some sort of practice, which often feels awkward and ineffectual. I think that Nature likes our awkwardness and even small gestures make a difference. Remember how much your mom liked those ugly rocks you painted for her in kindergarten? I think it’s like that: it’s the gesture that counts (at least at the initial stages). Vedic Astrology consultations can also suggest specific practices to feed the hungry places shown by your natal birth chart.
For taking care of personal health during an epidemic, Charaka suggests that “physical health should be maintained with such drugs (herbs) as are collected before the onset of epidemics…adoption of preventative measures, tranquility, protection of the self by mantra, etc., search for things as are good for the self…” Ch. Vi. 30/12-18
The idea is that daily maintenance of health is probably the best thing you can do to protect yourself from illness. We are again entering cleansing season (spring and fall), so you might consider doing a simple cleanse to relieve your body of toxins accumulated over time, particularly if you have been ill or exposed to environmental pollutants. My favorite easy and gentle cleanse is the Ayurvedic cleanse done (online) by Dr. John Douillard.
Mantra can also be very potent, particularly if it is personalized. This is also something I offer in the remedial measures that are part of every consultation. If you’re not into mantra then prayer of any kind is lovely, particularly if it is for the benefit of the world. Something as simple as spending a few minutes each morning with the thought “May all beings be happy” has an impact.