Sun in Taurus

Sun in Libra


The Sun will be in Libra for the majority of this lunar month.

If you’ve been following these transit reports you know that the Sun moves one sign per month and his sign placement shows both a focus and an underlying ‘theme’ for the month. This will be a good place to apply some attention and discipline, so that you might get all the benefits of the brightness and visibility the Sun is bringing to that sign for the month.

Sun in Libra (from 10/17-11/11) is not an easy position for all things solar: authority figures, politicans, father or heads of family, self confidence, spine,e tc. Sun is debilitated in Libra because it is a democratic sign where fairness is a top priority—this you can see from its symbol of the scales, on which things are weighed and relative value is determined. Sun is accustomed to setting the rules and does not, therefore, appreciate being treated like everyone else and being weighed against their opinion. He is forced, here, to find some humility and at least attempt to act like a ‘common’ person. This may sound positive but it is not actually a good thing for the Sun or anyone who has solar archetypes in and around them, which is everyone.

Without a strong solar archetype there is no predictable, sturdy, brightly burning enforcer of rules and regularity. On a personal level the Sun governs inner authority and the ways you ‘rule’ over your own life. For this reason, those with a debilitated Sun in their natal chart will tend to have problems sticking with healthy routines and discipline which can turn into health problems later on (Sun being indicator for over-all health). When Sun is debilitated in transit you may notice more of a tendency to get off track in this way.

When the Sun is debilited his ability to do the things he does best deteriorates and he gets a little shifty—maybe feigning pride or involving himself in power games. Because his nature is thwarted in this sign, his impulses get tangled up and the expression of solar qualities can become disturbed.

Ideally, we want the Sun—and every other planet, really—to be strong and healthy so that they can perform their archetypal functions in the best possible manner. We even need the malefics to do their jobs well: without Saturn there would be no death and decay and the earth would be completely overrun, without Mars there would be no power to break things apart to make space for something new. And without a healthy Sun there would essentially be no order and no resources.

For the first half of the month, Sun will be joined by both Mars and Ketu which will further challenge his ability to do what he does best. This is a cursed Sun and will likely cause problems for anyone whose primary archetype is the Sun, or who is ruled by the Sun in their chart (Leo ascendants). The most important antidote to this is going to be patience, as Ketu and Mars’ combined energy is notorious for creating ‘temper tantrums’ or outbursts of anger. We have already seen some of this in the world recently, but with the Sun getting involved it means that the targets may change.

As always with Libra, a major theme this solar month is attempting to find balance amidst some fairly tumultuous circumstances. This moveable air sign already struggles with stability, but is for the time being also now under crisis with the malefic influence. This heightens the need to focus on the subtle dynamics of balance in all its form. Activities (which are not high risk) which require physical balance could be good practice here. Noticing extreme thoughts and impulses without acting on them is another good practice for this time period.