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Synopsis and Remediation
Key Points:
Saturn: practical lessons, detail focus, labor, limits
Rahu/Ketu: mental extremes, destabilization, reconfigurations of desires and priorities
Jupiter: support is coming, recovery necessary
Venus: enjoyment, engagement with the world, remember what makes life worth living
Scorpio: many things are hidden
Taken altogether you can see how these transits interact to create the cosmic fabric for the month. The seriousness of Saturn creates a foundation of weight on which the other transits move. Jupiter and Venus begin to bring their brightness and levity to the door of the zodiac, offering the possibility of more comfort and delight than we’ve seen in a while, but because Rahu and Ketu are still mixing things up we may feel that we cannot quite trust good things just yet.
And this may be true, given that Scorpio is concealing many things this month which we may feel but not really know just yet. For this reason, combined with the Rahu/Ketu mental and emotional destabilization and the fact that Venus is attempting to come back to life, sensation is your friend this month. By that I mean that focusing less on facts and information and a bit more on what you are actually experiencing physically in a given moment could provide tremendous relief and actually give you more information than what your anxious mind may have offered. Doing things each day that really put you in your body is good way to start to reconnect with your own ground, and is a practice supported by the transits.
There is a lovely set of mantras used to bring peace to their respective signs. The Mantra for pacifying Scorpio is: om narāya namah. This is a great mantra to use for the entire month (a full practice would be 3x108/malas per day for 40 days, to get all the benefits). These are very safe mantras and can be used by anyone.
The ‘Butter Ocean’ line from Sphere in Sundry is a nice one to be working with for the duration of Rahu’s transit to Pisces (1.5 years), but specifically in this period of Jupiter recovery. I recommend either the kolonia or incense for clearing. The oil should be used only if you know you have positive Pisces placements in your natal horoscope. You can use the code IYLYLQ1 for $10 off your first purchase.
If you are experiencing sleep disturbances due to Rahu in Pisces (more on this next month) you can try the Sleep Easy tablets at Lifespa which utilize Ashwaganda and other synergistic herbs to support healthy rest as well as reduce generalized anxiety. As always, it’s good practice to consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner to undertaking an herbal protocol as there could be underlying factors that need to be addressed before herbs are implemented.