Synopsis and Remediation
The month will begin with the Sun’s transition into Virgo and end with a solar eclipse in that sign. Virgo themes will abound, so the lessons of that sign are a nice place to focus. Recall that its strength is in organization of even very complex chaos, and its weakness is in too many rules and regulations on things which are supposed to flow naturally. This is especially important considering that the planet of flow—Venus—has not been in the healthiest of shape as of late.
If you are feeling stuck in Virgo-world, you might consider stepping into the sign that both balances and opposes it: Pisces. This is the land of spaciousness and expansive views, where the big picture perspective is absorbed to inform action which is selfless and transcends boundaries. (This is the sign which is very afflicted right now, making it harder to get to!)
The eclipse will heighten the sensitivity that will have already begun to be felt as a result of not only Jupiter’s affliction but also Rahu’s dawning awareness that he is moving towards the edge of a cliff. Some fundamental attachments can be shaken up with this. It is best to not get too involved in any story lines that you’ve invented in your head or worst case scenario fixations. The less thought the better, for the time being, so things like yoga and meditation and activites which are so engaging that they leave little room for thought are advisable. In general, keeping your center of gravity low can help you weather the superficial turbulence that is to be expected with eclipsese and nodal shifts.
A protective mantra for solar eclipses is: auṁ dakṣiṇāmūrti-ra-tar-om (pronounced: om dakshinamurti ra-tar-om). You can chant this during the eclipse, at least 108x or for the period of ‘totality.’
If you wish to integrate some Western Magic into your eclipse experience, you can burn this solar incense, which is good for clearing negative influences on the Sun. Use the coupon code IYLYLQ1 for a discount!