Synopsis and Remediation
Synopsis and Remediation
This month is dominated by a theme of solar and lunar integration, and the attempted resolution of the relationship between fire and water.
With the transits to water sign Cancer and the water planet Venus causing so much ruckus. Specifically, the balance between fire and water, and their integration can be a point of focus.
The fire planet Sun in a water sign (Cancer), and the water planet Venus in a fire sign (Leo), as well as the movement of Venus working that gandanta between Cancer and Leo suggest a sort of weaving together of the emotions of water and Cancer and the will of fire and Leo. This is also the integration of the internal experience with the external world, and the meeting of intuition and action.
The fact that a gandanta or spiritual knot exists between the two signs which are the primary representations of this dynamic (Cancer and Leo) tells us that this integration is not an easy one. It also tells us that in the body the primary location that this occurs is between the cheat/heart and solar plexus, where many people tend to get bound up with stress and tension.
Resolving this dynamic is central to both a healthy emotional life and establishment of personal will and potency. It also requires a little bit of tolerance of the unknown and trudging into territory the mind cannot necessarily make sense of—all features of the gap that is gandanta.
Expect both internal and external vascillations as this territory is explored, and the possibility that what is good or helpful in one moment may turn another face. This changeability, driven by the unavoidable Rahu-Jupiter conjunction can actually contribute to the necessity of finding solid inner ground through a relationship with yourself, from which you can get very clear on your personal values.