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Jupiter’s Nakshatra and Forward Motion
On February 3rd, Jupiter will move into a new lunar mansion
For review! Lunar mansions or nakshatras were the original Vedic zodiac, before the Sun signs came in later in the development of the Science. The nakshatras are divisions of the sky which correlate with specific stars, are ruled by specific deities and are associated with specific symbols. These 27 portions of the sky inside the Sun signs each have their own flavor and indications, just like the Sun signs. But the nakshatras also have a psychological influence which is more potent and direct than that of the Sun signs, so a planet’s nakshatra can tell us a lot about how it is operating internally and psychologically.
Because the nakshatras represent smaller portions of the sky, faster moving planets move through them very quickly- often in a couple of days. But the slower moving planets such as Saturn, Jupiter and the nodes remain in their nakshatras for longer periods of time. These nakshatra transits can help us divide the long sun-sign transit of, for example: Saturn (who takes 2.5 years to move one sign), into smaller portions with significant differences.
Jupiter moves one sign per year, which means he will move nakshatra about every 4 months, though this will vary depending on his specific motion and retrogrades. Because of his recent retrograde, he will be revisting a nakshatra that he already recently traversed: Bharani—symbolized by a womb and ruled by the deity Yama who is associated with discipline and death. He was here from 6/21-11/27, after which time he moved backwards into Ashwini: a nakshatra ruled by mythological horse twins associated with healing.
Jupiter went direct on New Years Eve (after being retrograde since 9/4), which itself signals a change in his demeanor—from the ideological fixations and moral obsessions that an inwardly focused Jupiter can bring, to a constructive peace-making and space-holding Jupiter that has the potential to help unburden everyone’s minds—this last part due to his specific placement in Aries which is associated with the head.
A retrograde Jupiter can become obsessed with peace, purity, perfection and morality. A direct Jupiter is still concerned with these things, but in a less dogmatic or fundamentalist sort of way.
This forward moving, blessing-bringing Jupiter moves from the healing-oriented nakshatra Ashwini into the depth and transformation-oriented Bharani in February. This shifts Jupiter’s motivations and approach to what he is attempting to accomplish in Aries, namely: to provide some internal spaciousness and support to the general population after the turmoil of Rahu’s transit which was so disturbing to the minds of the collective. Jupiter in Aries, since last spring, has been fighting through almost endless affliction to bring the blessings that his nature bestows in the way of mentorship, resources, positivity and harmony in whatever area of life Aries rules in your chart, as well as the general mental functioning of the collective.
Now that Jupiter is minimally afflicted and moving forward, we can expect more of the positive results that have been possible to actually fructify. His method of delivery, while in Aswhini would have been through gentle healing and recovery, with a focus on rejuvenation and longevity (making this a nice time to focus on health). Now, as he moves into Bharani his approach will be somewhat more fierce and decisive. Bharani faciliates transformations which are quick and sometimes harsh, as can be understood from its symbol the womb, and its deity Yama—ruler of death, with both symbolizing the most devastating and dramatic transformations that life has to offer.
You might jog your memory for the months that Jupiter was last in Bharani (mentioned above) and consider what was taking place in your life in the way of changes and transformations. Bharani transformations can be dark and grimy and less than ideal, but they generally get the job done. Bharani will take us through a rebirth of some kind, sometimes through dramatic territory that we might have preferred not to tread, but which changes us in ways that can be extremely strengthening, particularly since it is a benefic Jupiter in Bharani as opposed to a malefic like Rahu or Saturn. The changes instigated should be for the better, but be prepared to be ushered into a liminal space in the area of your life falling in the domain of Aries, or those ruled by Jupiter. The experience should be softer that Jupiter’s last Bharani transit over the summer and fall, due to the fact that Jupiter was more heavily and directly afflicted at that time, making his transformations disturbing.
Whatever events transpire as a result of this Jupiter-in-Bharani transit will likely test the Rahu-Ketu surrender dynamic previously mentioned, possibly precipitating a period of confusion as to where to hold on and where to let go, or how to let go when holding on feels like the only sane response. You can take heart in the fact that strategies may not really work in this type of terrain, so the best position might be one of awe at the internal complexity you may be confronted with.
On a practical level, Jupiter in Bharani is a great time for transformative practices that are meant to bring swift change: such as plant medicine ceremonies, discipline-oriented meditation retreats and spiritual practices, or anything in the realm of rebirth practices.
Because Jupiter governs religion and spirituality, it’s nakshatra will show the collective approach to that area of life during that time. Jupiter in Bharani shows a collective (possibly not completely conscious) desire for rebirth, or major change, or the closing of a chapter and beginning of another. This is in keeping with the discontent that Rahu and Ketu are likely to evoke in their current positions.
Together, these transits are deepening the terrain that was laid in 2020 during the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction which signalled a major culture and societal overhaul. The nodal transit instigated a highly spiritual period where even the materialists and skeptics might be pushed into the world of the subtle, magical and subconscious.