Saturn Retrograde

Saturn Retrograde


Saturn goes retrograde on June 18th, and will remain retrograde through November 4th

The energy and focus of a retrograde planet turns inward, giving it a detail-orientation and persistence not accessible in regular motion.

The last Saturn retrograde began in June of 2022 and ended in October. This would have given the ability to work very hard, in a very focused manner. This is partially because of the nature of Saturn, who is a hard-working planet, but also because that transit occurred largely in the sign of Capricorn which is naturally associated with work and achievement.

This time Saturn will be in Aquarius- a sign associated with groups, revolution, and gains. The persistence of a retrograde Saturn will therefore be applied to these areas. Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius suggests a newfound focus in revolutionary groups, particularly those which are interested in tradition, or which involve the working class.

Although a long retrograde of a heavyweight planet such as Saturn can feel daunting, being on the ‘inside’ of a retrograde experience generally makes the karmic requirements of that transit feel very natural. You might, for example, find yourself more focused and willing to put forth hard effort when it comes to revolutionizing some area of your life. The difficulty generally comes when one is unwilling to accept the challenge offered by the transit. Leaning into discipline, limitation, effort and authenticity (Saturn does not tolerate any bullshit) is recommended during this time. If you do not proactively seek or accept it it will generally find you in undesirable ways.