
Scorpio Themes, Mars Kazimi


Inside some of the bright beneficence of recent developments with Venus and Jupiter, we have a different kind of light shining from Scorpio.


Three planets in the sign will emphasize it’s themes of depth, darkness, inaccessibility, stuckness and an almost insatiable appetite for an understanding of what is below the superficial presentation. Anyone with ascendant, Sun or Moon in Scorpio will have some of these qualities.

Sun in Scorpio defines where the light is to be shining this solar month, which officially begins on Sankranti (11/6): the day the Sun changes signs. This month Sun is very happy to shift out of the last month in his debilitation in Libra which would have challenged leadership, routine, general confidence and ability to maintain a center. In fact, with such a transit it can be difficult to know who to look to for direction. Libra turns Sun into an unwilling democrat, thus causing Sun to sublimate even some of his very important instincts regarding rulership and authority. You may have seen this in some area of your life this month (or all areas, if you are the Sun/Leo rising!)

In Scorpio, Sun feels much more comfortable. Because Mars rules Scorpio, it is as if the king (Sun) is staying in the house of the army general (Mars), or in modern terminology: the general authority is in the place of his own ‘second-hand man.’ He will be well supported here, much more understood than in the previous sign, and can be very productive.

Because Scorpio is the brooding, subversive energy of Mars (vs. the very straightforward and rule-following Mars energy we see in his other sign Aries), this sign can encourage the Sun (and any archetype of the same) to consider some nefarious activities. For example, the Manhattan Project which resulted in the creation of the atom bomb was launched when Sun was in Scorpio (12/1/1941)—a very secret scientific endeavor that involved a tremendous amount of research, concealment and eventual testing in the New Mexico desert (research, secrecy, and desert environs all being associated with Scorpio). And in this case the activity had the government’s support, government being indicated by the Sun.

I am not suggesting that another such a large-scale event is currently taking place, but there is the possibility for secret military activity with government involvement, particularly because Mars will also join Sun here in Scorpio, so the King and his general are side by side in the sign of clandestine activities, with a very afflicted Mercury, showing financial or business-interests which are somewhat desperate. What’s taking place in Scorpio is generally below-ground/not visible at the surface level. In the case of the bomb, the results were not seen by the public until years later, when Sun was in Cancer (a sign which is essentially the ‘dharma’ or natural fruit of Scorpio, being the 9th from).

This gives you an idea of the flavor of Sun in Scorpio: powerful, to-the-point, utilizing light to penetrate the depths or bring the depths to light, even if morally ambiguous results are a potential outcome of such actions.

Collectively this combination reflects an interest in getting to the bottom of mysteries and supports personal research in that regard. On the level of family/community this shows the central authority figure(s) being very productive and maybe even a little militant in going after their objectives. It can be an extremely productive time for any task involving digging—such as digging a foundation, creating a compost pile, demolishing an existing structure, uncovering a buried treasure, etc. Metaphorical digging (into research, etc) is also supported.

On a personal level there is an alignment between soul and central desires and the ability to take the steps necessary to go after them. The internal warrior in us all is in full form here with Mars in Scorpio, so you might take advantage of this time to really evaluate the gap between your honest, deep desires and the execution of actions that would help you arrive at their shores.


The story if a bit different for the other planets in Scorpio, whom Sun is creating some challenges for. Mars—the ruler of the sign— will experience combustion from Sun which actually began on back on September 24th and will not end until January 15th (!!), making this an extremely long combustion. The most difficult portion of this will be from 11/14-20th, when Sun and Mars will be within the same degree, making Mars Kazimi, or ‘in the heart of the Sun.’

This means that the right hand or willpower that would enact Sun’s demands is actually being burned up (and some would say ‘refined) by the intensity of those demands, with the result that the external significations of Mars (assertiveness, combativeness, protection, proactivity and effectiveness in action, etc) will weaken, while his internal significations (bravery, logic, strength) will become amplified and refined. Expect some failure in external actions and a transmutation of the frustration caused by this into increased bravery, strength and internal discipline.


Mercury preceded both Sun and Mars in entering Scorpio. Thus far he has been basically minding his own business, doing Mercury-in-Scorpio things such as researching, studying, engineering or bringing depth to communication. He has been experiencing the aspects of Saturn and Rahu from Aquarius and Pisces, respectively, for the duration of his time here. This makes the potential beneficial results of this transit a little harder to get to, due to the chaos that a combined Saturn-Rahu influence tend to create. The two together are called ‘storm yoga’ and love to whip things up into a confusing frenzy of wasted energy.

Once Mars and Sun join Mercury mid-month, Mercury will be under a full curse and will be further challenged to bring his energy into the world in a beneficial way. You may notice conversations being much more difficult than usual, with the potential for misunderstandings and reactivity. Or there may be a need for addressing tense subjects and sorting through conflict.

Mercury in Scorpio is capable of using language to express some of the most subterranean aspects of experience, and in fact he might enjoy doing so. But the affliction will create a pressure on him that situates him inside something like a maze or boobie-trap, wherein he might have some excellent or important things to say but he risks getting backlash from multiple angles if he does so, or some parties are actually silencing him.

Once again we could see this on the collective level but also in some way in your personal life. Conversations have a lot of pressure on them, but they also need to be had.

It is the earth element (ruled by Mercury) which is getting hit during this time, which creates a general instability in that radiates out to impact many areas of life. The stability provided by Mercury through the earth element is qualitatively different than that provided by Jupiter, through the space element. Mercury provides structure and organization which contribute to the functioning of society. This type of structure tends to hold things up from the bottom and the edges, like a regular container.

Jupiter’s space holds things together as the connective tissue that generally goes unseen. It has to do more with everything being the appropriate distance from everything else. It is something like the interstitial fluid which buffers joints from contact. Mercury may lay the patterns that create the space between things, but Jupiter’s actually fill and supports that space. All this to say that Mercury’s stability is more of a visible, material-world stability that is immediately apparent when somehow disturbed. If, for example, communication or commerce were disturbed on a large scale, there would be an enormous amount of destabilization.

You can support the earth element in your life by tending to the foundations that hold things up: your body, the earth in your garden, the communication in your family. If things feel overwhelming actually spending more time sitting on the ground, or having those tense conversations while everyone is outside or maybe in your living room on the floor (instead of elevated in chairs) can be tremendously helpful. Time spent around greenery (in the woods, in the garden) also strengthens Mercury.