Sun in Virgo

Sun in Virgo


Setting the stage:

The Sun moves through one sign in one month, such is the steadiness of his disposition. Each solar month is a great time to focus on learning about the qualities and characteristics of the sign that he is in, since he’s shining a natural spotlight wherever he goes.

Sun will move from Leo into Virgo on the 17th of this month. There are some differences in sign interpretation among different systems of astrology. Western astrology (as per my limited understanding) derives many of its understandings about the signs from the seasonal qualities in the environment at the time of the year when the Sun regularly enters that sign. The Vedic zodiac is not tropical (based on seasons), however, so the derivation of the qualities of signs comes from different places, but there will be some significant overlaps.

Virgo is a very orderly, analytical, clean sign focused on growth and accumulation through separation.

We can see these qualities operating in both its associated envrionment and the area of the body it rules:

It’s environment is a garden, which thrives with order and organization. Mercury is exalted in Virgo because its analytical, organized approach and attention to detail contributes to the growth that is possible in this sign, which is associated with the harvest.

Venus debilitates in Virgo, where water (ruled by Venus) has to be carefully controlled and regulated. The nature of Venus is to flow everywhere, so the irrigation of a garden contricts this planet in ways that may benefit the garden but not Venus, which has to contort itself into unnatural shapes here. When Venus is in Virgo debilitated in an individual’s horoscope, they tend to impose uncessary boundaries, rules and regulations on love.

In the body Virgo is associated with the intestines, where food is parsed and all the nutrients are (hopefully!) shuttled to the appropriate place where they can contribute to the growth and sustainence of the body.

Sun in Virgo, then, is like the Sun shining on a garden, contributing to its growth, and the enzymes catalyzing breakdown of food in the intestines. There is work associated with this placement—which makes sense both in terms of all that is required to collect the harvest and how much is actually involved in nutrient digestion and absorption in the body—but also reward.

This will tend to be true especially in the area of your chart it is ruling: if Virgo falls in your 5th house of children then you may see noticeable growth of some kind in your children, or your creative projects, if in the 10th then in your work.

Regardless of the specific placement, the background light for the month has the theme of substantial growth through careful organization. Please note that this growth will be modified, and possibly distorted, by the solar eclipse which will take place while the Sun is in this sign. More on this later!

A significant amount of sturdiness can be created through this placement, due to the earth element of Virgo and the Sun’s nature as a reliable, steady planet. When the two get together they can really build something—as you see in a well-tended garden, with the right amount of sunlight.

Of course there is always the danger of too much Sun on whatever you are growing: metaphorically this would be too much attendence or supervision or control to whatever project or person is attemting to fruit in Virgo for you.

The danger of overheating/overattention here is real, given the conjunction of Mars with Sun until October 3rd. Because these are both fire planets, whenever they get together there is a tendency to burn things up. Take care to not scorch your garden—of whatever metaphorical variety it may be—through too much attention (Sun) or over-application of logic and protectiveness (Mars). These two do better in some houses/areas of life than others: for example if Virgo is your 10th house the fire of these planets are excellent for work and career—where the drive that they bring can be extremely useful. Other parts of the horoscope are sensitive to so much fire.