Saturn in Shatabhisha
Saturn in Shatabhisha
Saturn is in a sign for two and a half years.
He has been in Aquarius since early this year. During this time, we can refine the nature of his results by examining the three different nakshatras (lunar mansions) which he will occupy during this time.
The 27 nakshatras compose the lunar zodiac which predates the solar zodiac (Sun signs) and allows us an incredibly detailed look into the inner world of planets as they inhabit these microclimates within the larger ecosystem of a sign.
The Moon’s nakshatra is generally considered the most significant. The Moon rules the mind, so an individual’s nakshatra shows the lens through which they see the world. The Moon’s nakshatra in transit shows us the overall mood and perspective of the collective that day. This is why Moon’s nakshatra is extremely important in auspicious timing of events (Muhurta), because: do you want to get married on a day that the collective perspective is oriented toward deception and illusion, for example?
The nakshatras of other planets tell us in what way that planet’s archetype is being applied, especially psychologically. The Sun’s nakshatra will show an area where we have pride, while the nakshatra of Mars shows us where we are protective, or what we are protecting. The nakshatra of Saturn will show a weakness, in keeping with Saturn’s inherent tendency to create weaknesses of all kinds (illness, pain, grief, etc).
Saturn left Dhanistha nakshatra on March 14th to enter Shatabhisha nakshatra in Aquarius. It is ruled by a deity called Varuna who is both the gaurdian of universal law (Rṭa) and is associated with the sky, oceans and water.
The deity associated with a nakshatra is one of the most important tools we have to understand what that nakshatra is all about, aside from the translation of the word itself, which in this case means “the physician with a hundred medicines.”
The name Varuna has various translations, all conveying a similar effect: to surround, cover, restrain, bind. These are a description of 1. our relationship with sky and water, which surround our horizon here on earth, 2. the presence of Natural Law, which is binding, and 3. the outcome of breaking it.
Varuna is associated with the very complex conditions which can arise when Nature’s bounds are transgressed as well as the cures which are required to mend them. These conditions generally defy physical intervention, as they are karmic in Nature and therefore require direct karmic intervention (which is where the astrologer comes in!)
Essentially, Shatabhisha tends to bring us face to face with the ways we’ve broken Natural law. If we succeed in addressing whatever transgressions may have occurred, in this or previous lives, which led to an illness or other type of dysfunction, then we may carry the specific medicine which can be utilized to help others in such situations. The dual edged sword of this nakshatra’s association with both disease and physician tends to create a fair number of trials and tribulations which ideally lead to the harmony that arises when conscious cooperation with Nature’s will is achieved. Inevitably, this outcome brings with it a tremendous specialized knowledge of healing, which is the gift of Varuna to the one who blends their individual consciousness with the universal.
The choice in this nakshatra is generally to choose to bind yourself to Natural Law, or be bound by the consequences of transgressing it.
Saturn’s position here shows us that collectively, from mid March until October 15th when Saturn will again change nakshatras, there has been 1. a weakness related to health and healing in the populace created by the transgression of Natural Law, and 2. an opportunity to address it and return to the blessed boundaries of natural circumference if we are willing to come to terms with our wide deviation from Nature. Each individual will experience the delivery of this karma in different ways and to different degrees depending on where Saturn is falling in transit in their natal horoscope and how he is associating with other planetary placements. Please keep in mind there is no possible way to either address or experience the sum total of deviations from Nature’s Law in one transit (or one lifetime, for that matter!) so we are only getting a small slice of the total pie of karmic consequence for defiance of universal law.
The symbol of Aquarius as a whole is a man with a pot. The question is always whether the pot contains poison or medicine, and Shatabhisha helps us answer that question. Saturn here is approaching it very seriously. Although this transit may be challenging, especially for health, it is an opportune time to explore alternative healing modalities—particularly those which are non-physical in Nature.